
All of my students study classical bel canto technique as a foundation. They can then specialize in classical, music theatre, jazz or pop styles and range in age from 12 yrs. to those over 60 yrs. I encourage my students to “cross over” or work in more than one style. My special skills as a teacher are the identification, analysis, development and management of the voice. I have a particular interest in voice science and technology and often use technology in our voice lessons.
“After years of trying to convince my son that he had a good voice, you were able to get him to hear it. He loved singing in jazz chorus. We are grateful for your support, guidance and dedication. We hope you will continue to do your outstanding work for many years to come.”
- Parent

I’ve taught general music, choral music, piano, and music theory to elementary through college levels students. I offer workshops in advocacy, arts integration and assessment, classroom management and teacher’s resources.
“Your passionate and diligent work is evident, commendable and exemplary! Your students are focused, attentive and implemented the suggestions during the masterclass…”
- Alfreda Burke

As an SVS fellow (Singing Voice Specialist) I can help to habilitate singers that have experienced a voice disorder due to structural change, neurogenic, systemic disease or other behaviors that cause vocal misuse with a voice care team that may include a speech language pathologist, laryngologist and voice teacher.
“Thanks to a very talented teacher with incredible spiritual insight and imagination who decided to affirm and support my potential…”
- Student

I offer a workshop entitled “If You Can Sing, You Can Scat.” The hour long workshop introduces jazz improvisation singing by using imitation and mimicking to get singers to be comfortable with scat “vocables.” Beginning with a simple blue progression, singers learn how to empower themselves through improvisation techniques.
“Your believing in me, your challenging me and your Grandi-like patience with me in the classroom made my high school experience four years of heaven…”

Using choral teaching strategies, approaches to technique and repertoire resources, I can help to develop the young choir, assist the director in writing curriculum, organizing and assessing the group.
“In my freshman year you introduced me to music and my voice. I feel truly honored to have had such an amazing choral director and voice coach. I can honestly say that my talent would not be where it is today without you.”
- Student

“I want to take a moment to thank you for everything you’ve done for my son. You’ve encouraged him by being supportive and encouraging him by believing in him which has made him believe in himself.”